appicon是啥意思 appicon双语例句

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appicon是啥意思 appicon双语例句

(1)、app icon:应用程序图标;应用图标




You can also press down hard on an app icon to open shortcuts to different actions-for example,pushing down on the Instagram app shows a list of next steps,including the ability to create a new post.


Long press the app icon you want to delete,drag it on top of the trash box and click OK to delete it.


The 3D Touch feature is easy to get used to,and I quickly figured out how to create a new calendar appointment by pressing down hard on the calendar app icon.

3D Touch功能很容易上手,我很快就明白了该如何通过用力按压日历应用的图标来创建一个新事项。

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