Fido的意思 fido是啥意思

来源:数百科 | 8042阅读 | 投稿:傲娇范、女王

Fido的意思 fido是啥意思



Looks like fidos giving you some problems there.好像菲度给你添了些麻烦。

Stop That Pacing,Fido If you are planning a picnic,watch your pets.如果你计划去野餐,请事先观察你的宠物。

Thank you.I heard,and frankly fire hydrant,I dont think its funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido.谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹淘气包,这并不好笑,也不适当。

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